What is the origin of the word POSH?!
Well the word posh it has been used for a long time . People find it hard to know from where it has came , according to Oxford Dictionaries'The story goes that the more well-to-do passengers on ships travelling between England and India used to have POSH written against their bookings, standing for 'Port Out, Starboard Home' (indicating the more desirable cabins, on the shady side of the ship)'
Oxford Dictionaries (2013) What is the origin of the word 'posh'? Available at:http://oxforddictionaries.com/words/what-is-the-origin-of-the-word-posh (Accessed: 7 july 2013).
Word. Detective (2008) pish posh . Available at: http://www.word-detective.com/2008/08/pish-posh/ (accessed: 7 July 2013)