First of all, the United Kingdom in some countries over the world is know as one country but it is not.The UK is made up of four nations (ENGLAND,WALES,SCOTLAND and NORTHERN IRELAND) and all of them have their own flag and flower emblem. Some also have there own language .


Scotland is very popular for its cultural activities including there own dance and own musical instrument (the bagpipes). "Scottish music is a significant aspect of the nation's culture" and men in Scotland wear kilts.
The national day in Scotland is "St Andrew's Day"which is the 30th of November...
Northern Ireland
Northern Ireland is the smallest nation in the UK. It is in the north-east of Ireland. The capital city is Belfast, the population is 1,810,863 million, which is about 3% of the population of the UK. In Northern Ireland there are two languages used ( English is the first language and Irish)...The national day of Northern Ireland is "St Patrick's Day" on the 17th of March every year and the national flower is the shamrock.

I highly recommend Wales to visit and to study as it is an amazing place and the people here are so nice and friendly. Wales has got very nice countryside and places to look around.
A good start, but where are your other blogs?